Victoria Point Queensland
5 Villas, 2x 2bed, 2x3 Bed 1x1 bed
Independent Living
Our Unique Accommodation provides the perfect home.
Adventist Residential Care – Yooroonga provides unique accommodation for young people between the ages of 18-63 that need assistance and support.
Often those who need assistance and support don’t have the opportunity to live independently. Adventist Residential Care – Yooroonga provides that. Our young people live in their own home and yet feel a part of a community.
They have a right to live as they choose in quality accommodation being the very best that they can. Young people often have to live in rehabilitation centres or inappropriate accommodation that is not suitable for their age, needs or wants.
There is often no choice for young people that need support for a functional supported dwelling.
Adventist Residential Care – Yooroonga provides the choice for a young person to follow their pathway with dignity.